A spit of land, a tract of land, separated by water is a sound installation and performance made in collaboration with the Raptor Group of the Valley, a group formed around shared ownership and passion for the Ford Raptor pickup.
Engine and synthesized ocean sounds are played through the stereos of 5 Ford Raptors as they navigate a desolate stretch of beach and dunes a few miles from the US/Mexico border; one of the southern most points in the continental United States. When the engine sound the driver hears while pressing the accelerator is not his engine sound, but in fact a recording, phased reality sets in. The self is not negated or ruined by mechanical mediation but perhaps extended beyond physicality.
The Raptor is born out of a backtalk cycle between designers and end users, cribbing from and feeding into a culture that could only exist in the dark matter eco-system of an oil boom. The halo car becomes an instrument of brand transcendence via performance hyperbole.
The border region exists in a state of exception. Laws and rights are modulated and suspended in response to vaguely specified crises and threats. Technically spec’d and eminently capable, the trucks traverse terrain utilized as defensive infrastructure. Nature as weaponized obstacle becomes a platform for play, a zone of pleasure.