“4AM” birthed out of the collaboration between choreographer and dancer Camryn Eakes and videographer Exotica DHTRV. Filmed at Irwindale Speedway in Southern California on various Nights of Destruction, the video questions the passionate yet pernicious relationship one caters with their vehicle — an extension of their home, a safe space, a mirror of the soul, while their wrecking is being celebrated once a month at this automotive landmark. Guided by the mantra “The car is the dancer /The dancer is the car”, Eakes and DHTRV created a meditation on the cost of amortization on the human body, whether it manifests as a whiplash, post-burn inhalation or the rush of adrenaline and how challenging one’s own mortality ultimately becomes entertainment.
Exotica DHTRV
Dance & Choreography:
Camryn Eakes
No Sesso